Apa kah ISO 9001:2008 ?

ISO 9001:2008 adalah satu standard yang menggariskan asas-asas utama bagi mewujudkan dan melaksanakan Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti (SPK) yang berkesan dan menepati tujuan penubuhan serta cekap dalam menghasilkan output atau perkhidmatan yang memenuhi kehendak dan pengharapan pelanggan serta pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dan selaras dengan ketetapan peraturan dan perundangan yang berkaitan.

Skop pensijilan kami adalah PROSES PENGURUSAN PENGAJARAN & PEMBELAJARAN (P&P) yang merangkumi aktiviti pengajaran & pembelajaran untuk semua program akademik sepenuh masa.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Pada kebiasaannya dokumen / prosedur (tanpa sebarang perubahan) akan mempunyai nombor rujukan asal seperti berikut :

NO. ISU = 1

Persoalannya : Bilakah No. Isu dan No. Semakan ini berubah ?

Let's look at this scenario / Case Study >>

If we change (pinda) the word 'rektor' to 'presiden' anywhere within the document .. walaupun melibatkan 10 kali pindaan perkataan yg SAMA, it's still considered as 1 PINDAAN .. n each 1 pindaan will cause the No.SEMAKAN to increase from 0 to 1, or 1 to 2,  or 2 to 3 etc .. 

When this Pindaan happens one after another until the No. Semakan has reached > 10 times (ie. on the 11th count), then the No. ISU is increased from 1 to 2, or 2 to 3 etc .. n consequently the No. SEMAKAN will be reset to 0 again .. meaning that No. ISU will increase by 1 count each time AFTER 10 times of Semakan happened .. 

Some of us may feel that if the change/ pindaan is just MINOR (eg. typo error of a word and it does not affects the process) then there is no need for PINDAAN or increase in the nos of Semakan .. for such cases, it would be suffice to just do the correction or edit the 'wrong' letter .. 

Unless if the change is MAJOR, like for example is affects the process / procedure, then a proper PINDAAN n an increase to the No. Semakan should be done .. an example would be a pindaan to something that has VALUE (monetary etc) .. or the power to approve / disapprove of certain projects etc

Wallahu a'lam ;)

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