Speakers/consultants were Tn Hj Kassudin Yassin & Tn Hj Ishak Salleh, both from Integrated KAIZEN Sdn Bhd.
Participants were introduced to the basic concepts of 5S Kaizen : SEIRI (sisih = sort), SEITON (susun = set in order), SEISO (sapu = sweep), SEIKETSU (seragam = standardization) & SHITSUKE (sentiasa amal = sustain).
In Japanese, KAI = 'change' and ZEN = 'good'. In short, it means CHANGE FOR THE BETTER, or 'penambahbaikan berterusan' = continual improvements = peningkatan secara perlahan/gradual/kecil tapi berkesan.
5S works hand-in-hand to support ISO. 5S controls & focuses on the physical aspects of our day-to-day work that is VISIBLE, whereas ISO focuses more on the control of documentations/procedures/forms.
For further details, can refer to Amalan 5S Sektor Awam MAMPU at http://www.jupem.gov.my
Wallahu a'lam.
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