Apa kah ISO 9001:2008 ?

ISO 9001:2008 adalah satu standard yang menggariskan asas-asas utama bagi mewujudkan dan melaksanakan Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti (SPK) yang berkesan dan menepati tujuan penubuhan serta cekap dalam menghasilkan output atau perkhidmatan yang memenuhi kehendak dan pengharapan pelanggan serta pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dan selaras dengan ketetapan peraturan dan perundangan yang berkaitan.

Skop pensijilan kami adalah PROSES PENGURUSAN PENGAJARAN & PEMBELAJARAN (P&P) yang merangkumi aktiviti pengajaran & pembelajaran untuk semua program akademik sepenuh masa.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

GAP analysis Vs DATA analysis

It won't be surprising if some of us may think that both terms (Gap analysis and Data analysis) are just the same thing .. but in actuality they are different ..

DATA ANALYSIS is actually much 'simpler' to do in a sense that we just need to compile, analyse and display it in the form of graphs / pie charts etc. Full stop ! It doesn't tell you what is good or bad about the data or graph that has been projected .. it doesn't explains or highlights what else need to be done or eliminated for continual improvements etc .. in short, it is simply a graph or pie chart without any meaningful or constructive messages !

But for GAP ANALYSIS we are expected to do much more than that .. in addition to what we do for Data Analysis, Gap analysis requires us to assess the 'SPACE' between where we are (what is currently being done) and where we want to be (what is required by law/ organization) .. simply put, it highlights which of the variables or requirements that are being met and which are not ..

Gap analysis should tell us which practices (amalan), services or functions have been left out or should be eliminated (accidentally or deliberately) and which one is still needed to be developed or enhanced .. it tells us if there is any 'gap' that we need to improve on .. so that 'where we want to be' can be achieved !

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Pada kebiasaannya dokumen / prosedur (tanpa sebarang perubahan) akan mempunyai nombor rujukan asal seperti berikut :

NO. ISU = 1

Persoalannya : Bilakah No. Isu dan No. Semakan ini berubah ?

Let's look at this scenario / Case Study >>

If we change (pinda) the word 'rektor' to 'presiden' anywhere within the document .. walaupun melibatkan 10 kali pindaan perkataan yg SAMA, it's still considered as 1 PINDAAN .. n each 1 pindaan will cause the No.SEMAKAN to increase from 0 to 1, or 1 to 2,  or 2 to 3 etc .. 

When this Pindaan happens one after another until the No. Semakan has reached > 10 times (ie. on the 11th count), then the No. ISU is increased from 1 to 2, or 2 to 3 etc .. n consequently the No. SEMAKAN will be reset to 0 again .. meaning that No. ISU will increase by 1 count each time AFTER 10 times of Semakan happened .. 

Some of us may feel that if the change/ pindaan is just MINOR (eg. typo error of a word and it does not affects the process) then there is no need for PINDAAN or increase in the nos of Semakan .. for such cases, it would be suffice to just do the correction or edit the 'wrong' letter .. 

Unless if the change is MAJOR, like for example is affects the process / procedure, then a proper PINDAAN n an increase to the No. Semakan should be done .. an example would be a pindaan to something that has VALUE (monetary etc) .. or the power to approve / disapprove of certain projects etc

Wallahu a'lam ;)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

GERAK GEMPUR PnP : 17-18 Sept 2013

Last kopek .. in preparation for the upcoming Re-Certification audit of our ISO 9001:2008 by SIRIM on 19-20/9/13 .. 

All the best n good luck to all our Process Owners (POs) especially those who are directly involved with Prosedur Pengajaran n Pembelajaran (PnP) .. 

Thank you to all in the non-acad depts, faculty n Academic Dept esp KJs Pn Shamsinah, Pn Nadiah, Pn Asri, Pn Hadza n Ostad Saiful .. u guys r simply awesome !

Keep up the good work !

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Alhamdulillah, pada Sabtu 24 Ogos 2013 Unit Kualiti telah berjaya mengadakan satu lagi Kursus Latihan khusus untuk Juruaudit Dalaman .. kali ini penekanan diberi kepada KLAUSA ISO 9001:2008 .. Penceramah jemputan ialah En Mohd Rafidi Mat Dahan dari SIRIM .. melibatkan 48 orang Juruaudit Dalaman KPTM Bangi .. diadakan di Bilik E6 KPTM Bangi ..

Selain fokus ke atas KLAUSA ia juga beri penekanan ke atas Proc Internal Audit n Proc PnP .. yang mana ia merupakan skop utama ISO KPTM ..

En Rafidi mengingatkan para peserta kursus supaya sentiasa refer n relate klausa kepada formula PDCA .. ia itu Plan Do Check Action .. sbg contoh >> Klausa 4 n 5 ada kaitan dgn PLAN .. Klausa 7 pula ada kaitan dgn DO .. Klausa 8.2.2 n 5.6 di bawah CHECK .. manakala Klausa 8.5.2 n 8.5.3 di bawah ACT ..

Pada asasnya kerja2 auditing ini memerlukan auditor utk memberi DESCRIPTION rather than PRESCRIPTION .. auditor bukan doctor utk memberi prescription 'ubat' .. meaning that auditor is to just describe or highlight penemuan / findings nya saja .. n bukannya memberi 'prescription' atau cara2 utk correction, corrective action (CA) or preventive action (PA) ..

Tapi kalau ada auditor yang willingly nak bagi 'prescription' brsama findings dia maka itu amat dialu2kan oleh process owner (PO) yang mendapat NCR atau OFI untuk memudahkan dia ambil tindakan suslan utk menutupi NCR/OFI berkenaan .. cuma pastikan 'tips' itu diberi secara lisan / VERBAL .. dan pihak PO pun tidak ''quote' / mencatat di mana-mana yang tindakan yang diambil itu adalah atas cadangan / saranan auditor !

Arahan2 kerja yg melibatkan polisi khususnya, yg dkluarkan melalui media electronic spt sms, email, forum fb etc hendaklah dfollow up dgn black n white spt memo / circular bertulis supaya ada reference yg sah .. arahan electronic hanya skadar utk tujuan ia CEPAT dterima utk makluman n tindakan awal oleh pihak pelaksana ..

Berkenaan auditor giving description only dan tidak bersama prescription itu pastinya akan ada yg masih nak debate .. personally, saya rasa seseorang auditee itu amat beruntung jika dia diaudit oleh auditor yang memberi BOTH description n prescription so that auditee or process owner tu tiada lah dok guessing atau mencari2 trial n error apa tindakan correction n prevention yg perlu dia buat .. auditor may x give the 'answer' on how to close the ncr or ofi, but at least bg tips pun dah sufficient utk bantu auditee dpt sedikit idea on what he needs to do nxt ..

 wallahu a'lam

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Dalam pelaksanaan ISO, walaupun terminologi ADUAN dan MAKLUMBALAS mempunyai maksud dan tujuan yang lebih kurang sama, tapi ia tidak sama .. similar but not the same !

The term ADUAN is used when we received comments or suggestions (be it +ve or -ve) through the Suggestion Box (Kotak Cadangan), e-mail, walk-in, surat layang (poison letters) etc ..

MAKLUMBALAS is used when we solicit input, comments or suggestions through Survey Forms (Borang Selidik) yang kita edarkan kepada pelanggan / pengguna utk mendapat feedback (maklumbalas) tentang sesuatu perkara, khususnya perkhidmatan yg telah kita berikan ..

Both methods can be used for the purpose of Continuous Improvements .. Yang penting perlu ada Laporan, Data Analisis, Evidence (Bukti) dan Tindakan Susulan terhadap nya (eg. Correction, Corrective Action n Preventive Action) .. wallahu a'lam

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Re-Certification Audit 2013 is just around the corner

Alhamdulillah .. Pejam celik pejam celik we are almost completing 3 years (17/12/10 - 16/12/13) full cycle with ISO 9001:2008 .. Just to recap what we have been through :

27/10/10 : Cert. Audit Stage I (0 OFI, 0 NCR, 7 verbal comments)
10-12/11/10 : Cert. Audit Stage II (6 OFI, 5 NCR)
14-15/11/11 : Surveillance Audit I (7 OFI, 2 NCR)
21/11/12 : Surveillance Audit II (7 OFI, 1 NCR)

In preparation for the upcoming Re-Certification Audit by SIRIM (roughly in Sept 2013), the following are list of audit activities in the pipeline :

1) Progressive Audit (to focus on all ongoing activities). Four dates have been identified : 25/3-5/4, 20-31/5, 24-28/6 and 26-30/8/13.
2) Audit Dalaman I : 15/4-9/5 followed by MKSP I on 30/5/13
3) Audit Dalaman II : 1/7-1/8 followed by MKSP II on 29/8/13

Re-Certification Audit by SIRIM is expected to be in mid Sept 2013 as SIRIM has already reminded that they will come in at least 2-3 months before "expiry date" on 16/12/13.

Re-cert Audit will also be a bit longer than usual, anticipating around 4 man-days and will definitely encompass 100% of the SPK (Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti).

All POs (Process Owners) are reminded to do analysis as well as penilaian pencapaian Objektif Kualiti relevant to their respective divisions / units.

Auditors are also expecting to see all CAs and PAs (Corrective and Preventive Actions) have been taken action on. They also want to see REVIEWS done over the data and findings over the last three years ..

All the best to all esp POs !